The amount of light in the greenhouse directly affects photosynthesis. However, it is important to protect the warmth of the heated greenhouse. Systems for shading and heat storage are used in the IMT project.

PUCH-BULL System: This system is the structure of the mechanism which is actuated through shaft pipes and rack gears that the gear motors self-switched acting.

ROPED System: In this system, the movement is again through the engine and reducer but the bearing systems are the mechanism that moves through steel ropes other than pipes and racks.


  • PHL 77: 78% shading 75% heat storage
  • Phormilux: 13% shading 45% heat storage
  • PH 44: 45% shading 52% heat storage
  • PH 55: 55% shading 58% heat storage
  • PH 66: 65% shading 63% heat storage
  • PH 77: 75% shading 68% heat storage
  • PH 55 OPEN: 55% shading 20% heat storage
  • PH 66 OPEN: 65% shading 25% heat storage
  • PH 77 OPEN: 75% shading 30% heat storage

IMT Greenhouse

Experience is Needed for Permanent Solutions and High Efficiency. Meet the quality Şemsettin LÖKOĞLU. IMT, which has been operating in the Automation Sector since 2000 makes Modern and Technological projects turnkey delivery to the agricultural sector with IMT Greenhouse Automation brand since 2013. Our company combines its experience in the sector with ...